In our latest episode of YChats, we're delving deep into figuring out how to choose a career that's right for you.
We're joined by Kendal Drew, Director at Strategic Career Management and a qualified professional career development practitioner.
Listen to it now!
Kendal has provided us with a list of resources for you to find out more. No matter where you are in the country, there are places to learn more:
General Resources:
School Leavers Information kit | Department of Education, Skills and Employment - Document library, Australian Government
Your Career - What's next for you? - school_leaver_information_kit.pdf
NCI - Your Career
Welcome to the Labour Market Information Portal.
My Skills – Australia’s Training Directory Course Seeker
Harvest Job Search and Resources - jobactive jobSearch
Résumé templates - the why and how | Job Jumpstart
Welcome to the Labour Market Information Portal.
I want a job | Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Jobs Hub | Department of Education, Skills and Employment
Alternative pathways to university article
Career information:
Career Development Association of Australia – Find a Practitioner
The Career Project
Career Explorer (NB: This is a Canadian website)
O*Net online (NB: This is a US website – very comprehensive)
State Government resources:
WA: Jobs and Skills WA
QLD: Post school options
NSW: Post-school options
VIC: Explore Jobs and Careers - Victorian Skills Gateway
NT: Career advice for school students - NT.GOV.AU
TAS: Home | Skills Tasmania
NSW: Leaving school
QLD: Leaving school | People with disability | Queensland Government
VIC: Leaving school and career planning - students with disability
Resources for starting a business:
Business Solutions on LinkedIn | LinkedIn Business
I want to start my own business | Department of Education, Skills and Employment
2020 Top Intern Programs
Graduate Jobs and Internships in Australia (324 open right now!)
Internships | GradAustralia
Counselling/Mental Health Support:
Lifeline Australia - 13 11 14 - Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention.
Anxiety, depression and suicide prevention support - Beyond Blue
Head to Help - It’s OK if you’re not feeling OK - Call 1800 595 212
headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation
Disability Support:
National Disability Insurance Scheme - The Department of Education Tasmania
NT: Students with disability - Department of Education
ACT: Students with Disability - Education
Careers, Transitions and VET - Education Disability Employment Services for School Leavers | APM
Employment support for people with disability | GradAustralia
Finding, keeping and changing jobs | NDIS
International Students:
Study In Australia
TAS: HOME - Volunteering Tasmania
VIC: Home - Volunteering Victoria
WA: Home - Volunteering WA
NSW: NSW Volunteering
QLD: Services - Volunteering Queensland
ACT: Volunteers - Community Services
SA & NT: About Volunteering SA&NT
SA: SA.GOV.AU - Careers
SA: SA.GOV.AU - School and further education
SelfStart - jobactive JobSearch
StudyAssist Support for school leavers with disability
Welcome to Head to Health | Head to Health